Tuesday, February 7, 2012


As with any proper science project we start with a hypothesis- Aaron DNA + Davina DNA= new human baby.  Phase two is to test the hypothesis- take the required genetic material, mix, and incubate (be sure to periodically add raw materials- apples, carrots, potatoes, grapefruit, and mexican food are the ideal baby building blocks).  Though we felt our hypothesis sound and all initial indicators were positive, Aaron and I still had the nagging sensation that this was just a hoax and nothing was really happening.  However, today when they put the ultrasound on my belly, we saw a mini human:  tiny little face, two arms, two legs (with little feet), and a little heart going at 160bpm!  Even cooler, the little Gummy Bear (thanks Amy, the name has stuck) was squirming around like crazy!  At the end of the first trimester, results indicate everything is going perfectly.  Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. This is the most beautiful gummy bear I've ever seen! These photos just make this Grandma Cat tear up with joy! Thank you sooo much for sharing them with us. Keep up the good work.
    Love to all of you, Grandma Cat
