Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Entry at Twelve Weeks

All things in the world come from being.  
And being comes from non-being.
  --Tao te ching of Lao tzu, 40.2
  (Wing-tsit Chan, trans.)

Davina and I hope that this blog will keep you informed about developments in our rather audacious project to monkey about with the genes of our respective families.  

To provide some background, our project has been underway for approximately twelve weeks.  We anticipate a number of important milestones, of which we plan to keep you abreast via this blog.  All those developments will set the stage for a bigger milestone -- anticipated delivery of a nine month-old infant, combining the genetic inheritances of our respective families in an entirely novel way, on or about August 20, 2012.  

Davina will be doing far more than her fair share of tough nuts-and-bolts biochemistry work over the next eight to nine months to advance the project. In spite of this, you may be pleased to know that the hard work of gene sequencing is complete; we hope to post results from diagnostic ultrasound examinations within the next few days.  

Many thanks to Anna Osland for trailblazing at http://jacobtylerosland.blogspot.com/ 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, for Christ's sakes! Happy to support you in your reproductive project, Aaron and Davina. Good job on providing the requisite genomes for said venture, Aaron. Always a joy to know when people I love are contributing to the human matrix. And PS: Congrats, kiddos. Love both of you like mad. And, by proxy, your progeny, as well. xoxoxo.
